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Electronic Normalizer

The following information is from Russia regarding the Electronic Normalizer and is for educational purposes only. Nothing said herein should be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions. It is sold in the United States and by Life Quest Formulas, for internal biofeedback purposes only.

The Electronic normalizer capsule is a complex electronic device assigned for correction of disorders in the organism from the cells to the system level. At the same time, the normalizing effect is unprecedented in duration and cannot be achieved by other means of medicine.

The positive effect is provided by a complex of the following factors:

  • prolonged internal acupuncture by the object passing the gastrointestinal tract (effect of alternate electric current within the level of natural signals controlling the organism enables to avoid secondary pathologies) directly influencing hypotholamo-hypophisaric complex through peripheral nerve system and changing neuro-hormonal balance, providing the central nerve system with algorythm of long-term correction of functions of organs, sustems and their correlation connections. Direct influencing with electric signal also make it possible, in the case of chronic diseases, to remove centres of organs control blocked by pain signal from paresis state, restoring their function.
  • vibrational and electrical training of smooth musculature of intestines and ducts;
  • clearance of mucosa from diffuse contaminants with gas sterilization of decontaminated surfaces and elimination of slags accumulating in life processes;
  • resonance vibrational clearance of parenchymas of liver and kidneys;
  • hydrodynamic effect on the duct systems with regeneration and increase of their utility volume;
  • electrochemical uniform introduction of microelements, which are deficient in the organism;
  • low-intense electromagnetic field of complex structure for strengthening adaptation readiness (resistance) of the organism to diseases and unfavorable effects (including mental and physical overloading) due to indirect influence on the neuroendocrine centers.

In accordance with the estimates of foreign and home specialists of health protection, Electro Normalizer is an instrument of the new class of apparatuses, which enable without any medicaments, traumas, allergies and beyond clinical conditions with independently available periodicity to perform effective correction and activation of the whole series of disordered systems of the organism.

The undoubtedly positive effect of Electro Normalizer on the organism includes detoxication of the organism, its decontamination from slags and diffuse depositions, regeneration of working capacity of the whole gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and effective stimulating effect on the adjacent organs through the mucosa.

The weak energy effect, unlike other methods of electrostimulation, provides a prolonged positive effect because it does not produce any suppressing influence on the biological systems but only activates and synchronizes their functioning. The weak secondary electromagnetic field, which is induced in electroconducting media of the organism, and the electrical signal affect the nervous system and change the concentration of neurohormones thus resulting in the prolonged change in the status of organs and systems of the organism and increase in their adaptation readiness.

These Electronic Normalizers are sold for 0 or more, when they are available. Life Quest offers a big savings on these personal biofeedback units.

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Electronic Normalizer
Electronic Normalizer
Item: Electronic Normalizer
$149.95 | Out of Stock | Stock Notification
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