

Pan-Flu is a heavy duty homeopathic remedy designed to mobilize the body's defense systems so as to both recognize and defeat the H1N1 Mexican Swine Flu, as well as sasonal flus.

I have formulated Pan-Flu as a potentiable remedy to cover the symptoms and probabilities H1N1 and Bird Flu. Pan-Flu is a propriety blend of homeopathic energy signatures based upon the homeopathic principles of similia similibus curentur (like cures like).

With the pandemic in the Ukraine, where it has been found that the H1N1 virus has been mixed with the paravirus, almost a million people became ill, and many have died. Can you afford to have this happen to you and your family?

The mixture of these two viruses causes the body to go into a cytokine storm where the body basically goes berserk, or haywire, and attacks its own tissues. Pan-Flu enables the body to target the viruses themselves using the homeopathic energy signatures so that it has a focused response, rather than one which damages the body.

My recommendations are to use Pan-Flu as a preventive remedy with 10 drops twice weekly.

For active flu-like symptoms (Seasonal Flu or otherwise) 6 drops 4-5 times daily; along with using the Terminator Zapper (https://lifequestformulas.com/ecom-prodshow/Pan-Flu.html).

The Terminator Zapper should be used for at least a few hours per day as a conjunctive treatment. The combination of Pan-Flu and the Terminator Zapper will boost the bodies defenses, and aid it in maintaining its health.

Pan-Flu should be set next to the Terminator Zapper for 10-20 minutes to fully potentiate the remedy with orgone/bioenergy. (It is not necessary that the zapper be turned on, as we are using the orgonite inside the zapper rather than the electrical ciruitry.)

This can increase its biostrength up to 10 times from the bioenergy as formulated. So everyone should potentiate Pan-Flu.

Note: This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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