The VITALIZER represents a slightly less advanced technology model than does the PRO- VITALIZER and PRO-VITALIZER PLUS. As such it is an intermediate level device usable in household and professional settings. Has advanced biofeedback circuits and adjustments.
The VITALIZER is intended for therapeutic therapy of the general regulatory systems of the body’s physiological systems, and for treatment of functional impairment in wide spectrum of problems including pain.
These units are hand carried from Russia to the U.S. to make sure there is no damage to their fine electronics parts due to abuse by the various postal services along the way.
It comes with a 1 year factory warranty against manufacturers' defects and are serviced by RussTech. Manuals from RussTech are in English and provide detailed information in the use of the Vitalizer and treatment information for the Beginner to Expert.
If you have chronic pain, intractable pain, or sports injuries this unit can be prescribed by your physician and therefore may be reimbursable through your insurance plan. Or you can contact Dr. von Peters and he can write an order if he feels your condition warrants it.
Other options are PayPal Buyer Credit at Or our Lease/Buy option if you have a business.
Note: This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease