NATUROPATHIC FARMACOPEIA: Naturopathic Physicians Guide , by Paul Wendel, N.D.
The term Naturopathic Farmacopeia was chosen as it expresses the Natural products grown in the farm-soil such as Fruits, Herbs, Vegetables, Cereals and Nuts, etc., for the benefit of humanity, Which God created and who informed mankind what foods to use for nourishment and herbs for medicine to sustain life and keep the body healthy.
The Naturopathic Farmacopeia is compiled from the works of Father Kneipp, who was a pioneer in Naturopathy and was the first to combine the uses of Food, Herbs, Water, Air, Clay, etc., for healing the body and from the writings of great men who also were pioneers in Natural Healing and who contributed their part in bringing about Naturopathy.
Among them were physicians, preachers, herbalists and Natural Healers whose works and re­search made it possible for Naturopathy to come in­to the realm of the Healing Arts.
The Naturopathic Farmacopeia was published to guide Naturopathic Physicians
and Drugless Practitioners in their practice and to give aid in the treatment of
disease through such natural methods mentioned in this